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Mexico - Kidnapping

1,160 (number) in 2015
What is kidnapping?

“Kidnapping” means unlawfully detaining a person or persons against their will (including through the use of force; threat; fraud or enticement) for the purpose of demanding for their liberation an illicit gain or any other economic gain or other material benefit; or in order to oblige someone to do or not to do something. “Kidnapping” excludes disputes over child custody. (UN-CTS M5.5)

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What is Mexico kidnapping?

Date Value Change, %
2015 1,160 -28.44%
2014 1,621 -14.14%
2013 1,888 24.87%
2012 1,512 12.50%
2011 1,344 4.67%
2010 1,284 10.50%
2009 1,162 28.11%
2008 907 107.08%
2007 438 -26.39%
2006 595 83.08%
2005 325 0.62%
2004 323

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